Swish Spine & Sport Physio

Swish Fitness for

The Fit and Athletic Equestrian

If you’re a horse lover, you would likely do anything to take care of your horse. We often ask them to perform at high levels which requires demands on their bodies. And guess what? It’s no different for us as riders too.

We are also athletes and need to be in peak condition – especially if we’re competing. It’s just that sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves. Are you raising your hand?

Being an efficient and effective rider requires our physical abilities to be at our best. When we’re strong, straight and in a good position, we can ensure our horses get the best rides possible. It also helps the physical well being and performance of our horses.

As a rider, I’ve had multiple injuries – because, you know…falls happen sometimes! I’ve had to do Physiotherapy treatments, Regenerative Medicine, stretching and strength programs to get me back in the saddle. I also do the day to day work of maintaining my strength, balance and position on and off the horse.

Due to these injuries, along with decades of experience treating athletes, I have created the Swish Fitness for Equestrians Membership program to help YOU. I have tailored exercises that help riders, just like you feel great in the saddle.

And, I love making exercises functional so you can relate everything back to sitting on your horse. Which of course benefits your horse too!

My goal is to ensure you’re healthy and fit so you can enjoy being on your horse! And your horse enjoys you!

Common Fitness Challenges:

Weak core and lower body muscle imbalance

Uneven or Weak Hips

Altered Shoulder Position

Twisted – upper or lower body (pelvis/shoulders)

Uneven pressure in the stirrups

Tipping forward/ahead of the motion

Feeling unbalanced

Behind the motion/falling back

Shoulder blade and shoulder/arm weakness

General decreased flexibility

Now imagine you can improve how you feel in the saddle…you’re in balance…you’re strong…your horse is in balance…and you have harmony and synergy. What could be better than that? 

Dawn’s Background

Dawn grew up on a farm just outside of Winnipeg, MB. The family business included a boarding stable with 54 stalls. There were beginner lesson programs in addition to riders showing in both the Hunter/Jumper and Western disciplines.

Dawn had the opportunity to represent Canada two times at The North American Young Riders in Montreal and Chicago. At the age of 23, after graduating from university, she took a hiatus from riding to build her Physiotherapy career and business. However, riding is in her blood, and she came back to the horse world a few years ago. Her “big” idea when she came back was to ride once a week…but then she couldn’t resist and eventually dove right back in and bought a horse!

She is now back in the ring and enjoying the challenge of “coming back”. Since being back, she has used her riding knowledge combined with years of treating athletes to help riders from both the amateur and professional ranks ride and compete in peak performance.

Photo Credits - Kim Gaudry

I look forward to helping you achieve your fitness and riding goals!