Swish Spine & Sport Phyiso

Physiotherapy for Motor
Vehicle Accidents

If you have been injured in a Motor Vehicle Collision, you have access to physiotherapy through your car insurance policy. You do not need to see a physician first unless you so choose. You may see the physiotherapist directly, and as soon as possible. She will assess you and if further investigation is required by a doctor, she will make the appropriate referral, or send a letter to your own physician.

At Swish Spine and Sport Physiotherapy, Dawn has a unique approach to the management of car accident injuries. The assessment is thorough and detailed including what we call Outcome Measures (Questionnaires that you fill out) to help track your progress. From the details of the assessment, Dawn will create a treatment plan that may include Manual Therapy, Gunn IMS, Modalities (machines), Therapeutic Exercises, Massage Therapy or a combination of treatments including referrals to other medical professionals as needed.

To ensure the appropriate treatment is being provided and that she is fully tracking your progress, she will re-assess you, typically at 4-8 week intervals. Outcome measures, objective findings and subjective reports are all utilized to determine your progress and the next steps for your journey to recovery.

Once you are at your maximum function and recovery, you will be discharged with a home exercise program to continue on your own. Of course, we are still available for you if you need anything else!

How to Make a Motor Vehicle Accident Claim

We are able to assist you in properly filing an injury claim and in completing the required forms for your insurer. The regulations can be difficult to navigate when you are under the stress of an injury. We will guide you through your claim to make the process easier.

We look forward to helping you!